Saturday, May 8, 2010

Close School, Start from Scratch?

Abruptly closing schools because of failure of students to thrive academically is often driven by frustration, long term denial and hopelessness.  Why not burn it to the ground.  Would that make a difference?

What we need to do is remove or reassign all staff involved in a failing school.  New staff with a positive attitude, equipped with proven and fresh ideas must replace defeatist behavior.  We must put an immediate stop to head in the sand mentality and embrace people not easily intimidated by failure.  Then, devise  carefully thought out multiple success strategies.  Be prepared to repeat the strategy search again and again until you get it right.

There is an expression that failure is not an option.  Actually, that is not always true.  When facing challenging situations or failure the need to adopt a trial and error approach is always a possibility.  Rather than cringe at mistakes, we must learn to learn from our mistakes.  After all, mistakes simply tell us to take another road toward our objective.

In other words, laugh at your mistakes, make notes and remember once a mistake is understood the road to success is narrowed, and easier to choose and travel.  Keep in mind, teachers who are afraid of failure tend to teach  students how to fail.

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