Friday, April 2, 2010

Same Old, Same Old...

Latest nationwide reading scores show 30% more or less students reading below proficient level.  Understandbly, some folks needing a fallback position are actually relieved when students score "approaching basic" and are often observed expressing sighs of relief..whispering, "it could have been worse".  Remarkbly, going backwards somehow looks good even at a time of disaster. It looks to me like some kind of marshmellow road.  It is soft, bouncy, feels good and provides a safe place to bury your head.

Let me begin my comments:

Definition and Limitations:  A good reading program, strategy or technique successfully teaches a student how to read.
Ok, do what works and discard what doesn't work.  No pass ever on this one.
Any kind of intimidation or violence from anyone is not allowed.

Why do the  same reading problems keep returning test after test? 
Because educators continue to incorrectly identify causation and or implement flawed solutions

Why do obviously smart people miss pinpointing causation?
Because use of very complex analytic tools may in fact call attention away from the obvious.  More often than not, the problem requires little elloboration and is simple rather than complex. 

What might the obvious look like?
To begin with, dysfunction familes tend to produce dysfunctional kids.

How do dysfunctional children behave in traditional classroom settings?
Primarily, just plain survival need overshadows all other occupations including learning to read.  Try to give students hope.  If you cannot do it find someone that can. 

What would short term solutions look like?
Today, every failing student must be accompanied by an adult significant other during reading instruction.  This strategy will lessen discipline problems.  Please don't whine that it can't be done.  Just do it.
Forget making grade level lessons more motivating and use primarily remediation methods.  Simply, start where they are today...
Teachers must have have multiple techniques and resources at their finger tips and be prepared to use them...let student try them on and observe what works best for him/her.
Remember Vygotsky, find the zone and stay in the zone.
Yes, provided students are attentive, good old repetition works.  Practice till you are blue in the face!
Every child must attend class, no excuses.
And, individualize,  individualize...basically, stop buying more paperclips and hire more help.

What whould long term solutions look?
Require (no excuses) all parents or significant other participant in school activities.  They don't have to  be smart just interested.
Every local church must adopt a family or familes, and promote reading.
At least eighty five percent of money allocated to improve reading scores must be spent on actual reading instructions services not administration.  Forget long term investments and spend the money now.
Divide responsibility for student reading progress. Althought the classroom teacher fills a lead role, administrators, parents and curriculum specialist and must share student success and failure.
Stop the shootings.  Assign two policemen during critical hours before during and after school on every street corner.
Expect failure and have a clear plan to get back onto the success path.  Remember, baby steps are OK.

Readers are encouraged to add his/her ideas...I have just scratched the surface!

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